- Austin PD - Computer Science for Teachers Table of Contents
- Senior Design Project Introduction
- Learning Pandas Table of Contents
- Steps to invite all your friends on Facebook to like a page Invite all your Friends to like a page on Facebook with this short script
- How To Install Budgie Desktop on Ubuntu/Linux Mint How To Install Budgie Desktop on Ubuntu/Linux Mint
- Sorting Sorting
- Google Interview Q3 Question they asked me during the interview
- Google Interview Q2 Question they asked me during the interview
- Google Interview Q1 Question they asked me during the interview
- Semaphores Exercises SemaphoresA Semaphore is a non-negative integer variable that can be used as a binary signal, a flag.In operating system , a semaphore is set either 0 or 1 to perform a similar function. It signals if and when a resource is free and can be used by a process.
- Deadlock DeadlockDeadlock is more serious than indefinite postponement or starvation because it affectsmore than one job. Because resources are being tied up, the entire system (not just afew programs) is affected. There’s no simple and immediate solution to a deadlock; noone can move forward until someone moves out of the way, but no one can move outof the way until either someone advances or everyone behind moves back. Obviously,it requires outside intervention. Only then can the deadlock be resolved.Deadlocks became prevalent with the introduction of interactive systems, which generallyimprove the use of resources through dynamic resource sharing, but this capabilityalso increases the possibility of deadlocks.In some computer systems, deadlocks are regarded as a mere inconvenience that causesdelays. But for real-time systems, deadlocks cause critical situations. For example, adeadlock in a hospital’s life support system or in the guidance system aboard an aircraftcould endanger lives. Regardless of the environment, the operating system musteither prevent deadlocks or resolve them when they happen. (In Chapter 12, we learnhow to calculate system reliability and availability, which can be affected by processorconflicts.)
- CPU Scheduling Simulator and explaining algorithms
- MathJax Example MathJax is a simple way of including Tex/LaTex/MathML based mathematics in HTML webpages. To get up and running you need to include the MathJax script in the header of your github pages page, and then write some maths. For LaTex, there are two delimiters you need to know about, one for block or displayed mathematics , and the other for inline mathematics .
- Hello World You’ll find this post in your _posts directory - edit this post and re-build (or run with the -w switch) to see your changes!To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention: YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext.